刘桂强 教授






         研究方向: 1)新型光电功能材料与器件;2)太阳能捕获与转换、太阳能电池;3)超灵敏光电传感研究;4)表面增强拉曼散射


          办公电话: 15879187985

          电子邮箱: liugq@jxnu.edu.cn


        在NanophotonicsCarbonSens. Actuat. BIEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron.Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. CellsJ. Mater. Chem. CAppl. Phys. Lett.Opt. ExpressSCI主流刊物上发表论文80多篇,其中SCI一区论文10篇,一区封面论文3ESI高引论文11篇(1%3%);授权发明专利10多项;获得江西省自然科学奖三等奖和江西省高等学校科技成果奖一等奖各1项;2020年受国际主流期刊Journal ofPhysics D: Applied Physics委托,担任特刊Metamaterials for Optical Absorption and Sensing客座编辑Guest Editor)。所取得成果获得了国际同行的高度认可和评价,论文被引用1400多次。


[1]  Liu GQ, Liu Y, Tang L, Liu XX, Fu GL, Liu ZQ. Semiconductor-enhanced Raman scattering sensors via quasi-three-dimensional Au/Si/Au structures. Nanophotonics, 2019, 8:1095- 1107. SCI一区

[2]  Liu ZQ, Zhou J, Liu XS, Fu GL, Liu GQ, Tang CJ, Chen J. High-Q plasmonic graphene absorbers for electrical switching and optical detection. Carbon, 2020, 166:256-264. SCI一区(封面论文)

[3]  Yu MD, Huang ZP, Liu ZQ, Chen J, Liu Y, Tang L, Liu GQ. Annealed gold nanoshells with highly-dense hotspots for large-area efficient Raman scattering substrates. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 262:845-851. SCI一区

[4]  Liu GQ, Liu Y, Liu XS, Chen J, Fu GL, Liu ZQ. Large-area, low-cost, ultra-broadband, infrared perfect absorbers by coupled plasmonic-photonic micro-cavities. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, 186:142-148. SCI一区

[5]  Liu GQ, Liu XS, Chen J, Li YY, Shi LL, Fu GL, Liu ZQ. Near-unity, full-spectrum. nanoscale solar absorbers and near-perfect blackbody emitters. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019, 190:20-29. SCI一区

[6]  Zhou J, Liu ZQ, Liu XS, Fu GL, Liu GQ, Chen J, Wang C, Zhang H, Hong MH. Metamaterial and nanomaterial electromagnetic wave absorbers: structures, properties and applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8:12768- 12794. SCI一区(封面论文)

[7]  Liu XS, Liu GQ, Tang P, Fu GL, Du GZ, Chen QQ, Liu ZQ. Quantitatively optical and electrical-adjusting high-performance switch by graphene plasmonic perfect absorbers. Carbon, 2018, 140:362-367. SCI一区

[8]  Liu ZQ, Liu GQ, Huang ZP, Liu XS, Fu GL. Ultra-broadband perfect solar absorber by an ultra-thin refractory titanium nitride meta-surface. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, 179:346-352. SCI一区

[9]  Li YY, Liu ZQ, Zhang HJ, Tang P, Wu B, Liu GQ. Ultra-broadband perfect absorber utilizing refractory materials in metal-insulator composite multilayer stacks. Optics Express, 2019, 27:11809-11818. 

[10] Liu GQ, Chen J, Pan PP, Liu ZQ. Hybrid metal-semiconductor meta-surface based photo- electronic perfect absorber. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2019, 25:4600507. 

[11] Tang P, Liu GQ, Liu XS, Fu GL, Liu ZQ, Wang JQ. Plasmonic wavy surface for ultrathin semiconductor black absorbers. Optics Express, 2020, 28: 27764-27773.

[12] Li YY, Liu Y, Liu ZQ, Tang Q, Shi LL, Chen QQ, Du GZ, Wu B, Liu GQ, Li L. Grating-assisted ultra-narrow multispectral plasmonic resonances for sensing application. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12:072002. 

[13] Liu ZQ, Liu XS, Wang Y, Liu GQ, Tang CJ. Silicon antennas metasurface based light absorber with quantitatively adjustable operating frequency and intensity. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2021, 27:8100106. 

[14] Liao ZF, Liu ZQ, Wang Y, Liu XS, Liu GQ. Ultra-narrowband resonant light absorber for high-performance thermal-optical modulators. Optics Express, 2021, 29:31048-31057. 

[15] Zhou J, Liu ZQ, Liu GQ, Pan PP, Liu XS, Tang CJ, Liu ZM, Wang JQ. Ultra-broadband solar absorbers for high-efficiency thermophotovoltaics. Optics Express,2020, 28:36476-36486.

[16]   Liu ZQ, Yu M, Huang S, Liu XS, Wang Y, Liu M, Pan PP, Liu GQ. Enhancing refractive index sensing capability with hybrid plasmonicphotonic absorbers,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3: 4222-4226. SCI一区(封面论文)

[17]   Liu ZQ, Liu XS, Huang S, Pan PP, Chen J, Liu GQ, Fu GL. Automatically acquired broadband plasmonic-metamaterial black absorber during the metallic film-formation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7:49624968. SCI一区

[18] 刘桂强施雷雷刘正奇李玉银;唐倩柳叶.一种与偏振无关的超窄多频带可调谐完美吸收器ZL201910648553.0 (授权发明专利)

[19] 刘桂强刘怡汤莉余美东一种经济型高精密表面增强拉曼活性基底的制造方法, ZL201710505915.1(授权发明专利)

[20] 刘桂强; 刘正奇汤莉刘怡陈检黄振平一种基于花生状金-硫化铜核壳纳米棒的有机太阳能电池宽频带光吸收层薄膜及其制备方法, ZL201710282684.2(授权发明专利)

[21] 刘桂强李玉银刘正奇张后交施雷雷唐鹏吴彪陈齐奇杜国振一种基于耐火材料的超宽带近完美光吸收体, ZL201811633556.9(授权发明专利)

[22] 刘桂强施雷雷刘正奇李玉银刘晓山唐倩柳叶一种可见-近红外波段的可调谐双频完美吸收器, ZL201910648552.6 (授权发明专利)

[23] 刘桂强刘正奇邵辉柏余美东黄珊潘平平刘晓山王燕顾刚.一种去除外磁场 调控非磁性椭球胶体颗粒三维周期结构中磁流体的方法, ZL201410831361.0(授权发明专利)

[24] 陈检(学生)刘桂强汤莉刘怡黄镇平一种基于高介电材料的经济型高精密表面增强拉曼活性基底的制造方法中国,ZL201810260990.0. (授权发明专利)

[25] 李玉银(学生)刘桂强刘正奇张后交施雷雷唐鹏吴彪陈齐奇杜国振一种超窄多频带光学传感器中国,ZL201811633547.X. (授权发明专利)