


姓名: 赵腾             

职称: 讲师






Ø  2020.07-江西师范大学物理与通信电子学院讲师

Ø  2014.09-2020.06 华中师范大学量子光学博士

Ø  2010.09-2014.06 华中师范大学物理学基地班本科


Ø  国家自然科学基金青年项目:双量子比特-腔超强耦合系统辐射场非经典性质的研究,项目编号:121041952021.01-2024.1230万元,在研,主持;

Ø  江西省自然科学基金青年项目:超强耦合系统中非经典态的制备及其在量子精密测量中的应用,项目编号:20232BAB2110332023.07-2026.078万元,在研,主持。


Ø  2022.06,获得全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛江西省一等奖,华东区二等奖;

Ø  2022.07,获得江西省大学生物理创新竞赛江西省二等奖

Ø  2022.12,指导学生参加第八届全国大学生物理实验竞赛,获得全国二等奖;


1.     Yinxuan Cai, Teng Zhao*, Siming Zhu, Youke Xu, Cunjin Liu, and     Liyun Hu, Preparation of non-Gaussian states based on three-photon     quantum scissors,  Results in     Physics, 55, 107171(2023);

2.     Teng Zhao, Shao-ping Wu, Guo-qing     Yang, Guang-ming Huang, and Gao-xiangLi*, Ultranarrow     spectral line of the radiation in double     qubit-cavity ultrastrong coupling system,  Optics Express 29(15),     23939 (2021);

3.     Teng Zhao, Ze-an Peng,     Guo-qing Yang, Guang-ming Huang, and Gao-xiang Li*, Time-asymmetric     quantum fluctuations in intensity-amplitude correlation for a driven cavity     QED system,  Optics     Express 28(1), 379 (2020);

4.     Teng Zhao, Yan, Yan, Guo-qing     Yang, Guang-ming Huang, YifuZhu, and Gao-xiang Li*, Multiphoton     nonclassical state generated by hyperradiance originating from a     quasi-subradiant state,  Physical     Review A 99, 043814 (2019);

5.     Youke Xu, Teng Zhao, Qingqian Kang, Cunjin Liu, Liyun Hu*, and     Sanqiu Liu, Phase sensitivity of an SU(1,1) interferometer in     photon-loss via photon operations, Optics Express31(5), 8414 (2023);

6.     Xiaoting Chen, Fang Jia, Teng Zhao, Nanrun Zhou, Sanqiu Liu,     and Liyun Hu*, Continuous-variable quantum key distribution based on     non-Gaussian operations with on-off detection, Optics Express31(20), 32935 (2023);

7.      Ze-an Peng, Teng     Zhao, Guo-qing Yang, Guang-ming Huang, and Gao-xiang Li*, Multifold wave-particle quantum correlations in strongly     correlated three-photon emissions from filtered resonance fluorescence,Optics Express 28(15),     22767 (2020);

8.     Feng-zheng     Zhu, Teng Zhao, He-bin Zhang, Gao-xiang Li*, and Zbigniew Ficek, Preparation of a single     photon dark state in a chiral quantum system,  Physical Review A 95, 023817     (2017);

9.          Su-jing     Liu, Ze-an Peng, Xu-xing Geng, Teng Zhao, Shao-ping Wu, and     Gao-xiang Li*, Broadband strong photon     correlations of frequency-resolved single-atom resonance fluorescence     generated by two equal-frequency laser fields with different amplitudes,  Journal of Physics     B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 55, 085402 (2022);


1.   吉云,徐升文,赵腾,李建根,一种多旋翼无人机螺旋桨保护罩,专利号:ZL 2021 2 3149910.0,授权公告日:2022.4.19(实用新型专利);

2.   徐升文,吉云,李建根,赵腾,一种多旋翼无人机用流线型外壳,专利号:ZL 2021 2 3149669.1,授权公告日:2022.4.19(实用新型专利)。