

姓名: 罗文崴

职称: 讲师



电子邮箱: 18318212@qq.com


罗文崴老师,19839月生,江西师范大学物理与通信电子学院物理系教师,理学博士,讲师,物理学硕导。2006年本科毕业于西北工业大学电子信息工程专业,获工学学士学位;2013年获光学专业理学硕士学位;2020年获纳米材料物理与化学专业理学博士学位。主要从事新能源材料设计与模拟方向的科研工作。近年来在Advanced ScienceAdvanced Energy MaterialsJournal of Materials Chemistry C等国际知名杂志上发表SCI收录论文十余篇。主持江西省教育厅课题一项,主持横向课题一项,参与完成国家级课题五项,主要参与国家基金面上项目一项。



[1]    Qianyu Zhang#, Chaofeng Zhang#, Wenwei Luo#, Lifeng Cui, Yan-Jie Wang*, Tengyue Jian, Xiaolin Li, Qizhang Yan, Haodong Liu, Chuying Ouyang, Yulin Chen, Chun-Long Chen*, and Jiujun Zhang*, Sequence-defined peptoids with -OH and -COOH groups as binders to reduce cracks of Si nanoparticles of lithium-ion batteries. Advanced Science, 2020, 7(18), 2000749(1-10).

[2]    Wenwei Luo, Hewen Wang, Zhiqiang Wang*, Gang Liu, Sanqiu Liu and Chuying Ouyang*, First-principles study of χ3-borophene for charge-modulated switchable CO2 capture. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 8864-8869.

[3]    Wenwei Luo, Hewen Wang*, Junping Hu, Sanqiu Liu, Chuying Ouyang*, Curvature induced improvement of Li storage in Ca2N nanotubes. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 459(5), 406-410.

[4]    W.W. Luo, G. Liu*, X. Wang, X. L. Lei, C. Y. Ouyang, S. Q. Liu*, The adsorption and dissociation of oxygen on Ag (111) supported χ3 borophene. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2018, 537(6), 16.

[5]    W.W. Luo, G. Liu*, Z. H. Xu, Z. Y. Zhou, X. Wang, C. Y. Ouyang, S. Q. Liu*, Insights into the physics of interaction between borophene and O2-first-principles investigation. Computational Materials Science, 2017, 140(6), 261-266.